Legal & Compliance
Automatic Exchange of Information
Swiss financial institutions are required to report information regarding accounts held by clients whose country of tax residence has signed an agreement for the automatic exchange of information with Switzerland to the Federal Tax Administration (FTA).
After receiving this information, the FTA exchanges it with the reportable administration of the client’s country of residence.
Information is only exchanged with partner jurisdictions.
The list of partner jurisdictions can be found by clicking here.
LSFIN General Information
The Swiss Financial Services Act (FinSA) entered into force on 1 January 2020. With a transition period of two years, most of the requirements will be applicable as of January 2022.
Documents :
Deposit Insurance Scheme
Are my deposits covered by the deposit insurance scheme?
Yes, like any bank or securities dealer in Switzerland, Banque des Monts Blancs is required to sign the Agreement by Swiss Banks and Securities Dealers on Deposit Insurance and as such is a member of esisuisse.
Client deposits held with Swiss branches of the bank are protected for up to CHF 100,000 per client, per bank.
Deposits also include medium-term notes held in the name of the depositor at the issuing bank.
All relevant information on the deposit insurance can be found at
Assets without contact and dormant assets
Circumstances may arise in which contact between a bank and a client is lost and cannot be restored by the bank. Such clients’ assets may then ultimately be forgotten about by the client and their heirs.
Standard settlement instructions (SSI)
Standard settlement instructions (SSI) for FX, Money Market, Derivate deals, Precious metals, and Payments are agreed on separately when a transaction is performed. The correspondents of Banque Des Monts Blancs SA therefore appear on the confirmations of the individual transactions. The list of our principal correspondents can be found in the document below.
Documents :